When a person on SSI and Medicaid concludes a lawsuit for personal injuries, the Florida Medicaid agency swoops in and takes a big bite of the settlement or jury verdict to reimburse itself for the doctor and hospital bills caused by the person or corporation that hurt the disabled SSI/Medicaid recipient. This action is based on the Florida Medicaid Third Party Liability Act, Florida Statutes, Section 409.910.
A few years ago, the U. S. Supreme Court substantially and appropriately reduced what Medicaid can get. Click here for the Alhborn case. Florida Medicaid has resisted the Supreme Court’s decision, but its position is now substantially weakened by a new U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision.
Based on a March 22nd U. S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision, more net settlement money is going to go to diasbled plaintiffs. The court’s decision completely eviscerates the Florida Medicaid agency’s defense to avoiding the reduction in the Medicaid lien based on the U.S. Supreme Court Ahlborn decision in 2006. This is going to allow substantially MORE money to go into plaintiff’s Special Needs Trusts funded from Personal Injury/Medical Malpractice settlements or jury verdicts.Continue Reading Prediction: Florida Medicaid Liens will be reduced