Special Needs Trusts in Florida and around the nation will be impacted by the new POMS on Special Needs Trusts issued in January. The March meeting of the Academy of Special Needs Planners will have top experts discussing the changes, and other important information on Special Needs Trusts. If you are an attorney, plan to
Speaking engagements
SSI Regional Chief Counsel Opinion Letters on Special Needs Trusts
The Social Security Administration (SSA) has provided attorneys and the general public with very useful information on their analysis of Special Needs Trusts – are you eligible or ineligible if you have such a trust. There are a lot of ways that attorneys can inadvertently cause a Special Needs Trust to be found in violation…
FSGA presentation on Social Security, SNT, and Medicare Changes
The organizers of the Florida State Guardianship Annual Convention asked me to prepare some comments on Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid – It Just Keeps Changing. The ten page paper highlights changes in how attorneys and guardians of disabled individuals will have to change the way they interact with SSA, video hearings, “paperless” medical…
Stetson Special Needs Trust Conference
I will be presenting at both the Basics and the Advanced sessions of the Stetson College of Law Program on Special Needs Trusts. This is the 10th Annual program, and has become "the" national program for basic and advanced continuing legal education on Special Needs Trusts. If you are a professional in the field, either…
Presentation for Academy of Special Needs Planners
The first week of July, we will be presenting a "webinar" (an Internet Seminar) for members of the Academy of Special Needs Planners on the POMS and how to use them. "POMS" is an acronym for the "Program Operations Manual System," the Social Security Administration’s staff manual for its 61,000 employees. In preparation for the…