An attorney asked us, "How does the Social Security Administration treat Worker’s Compensation benefits for SSI eligibility purposes?"  

WC weekly wage replacement payments.  The SSI financial eligiblity rules require that a claimant have low income and few assets, which they call "resources."  Weekly worker’s comp wage payments are treated as "unearned income" for SSI

The first week of July, we will be presenting a "webinar" (an Internet Seminar) for members of the Academy of Special Needs Planners on the POMS and how to use them.  "POMS" is an acronym for the "Program Operations Manual System," the Social Security Administration’s staff manual for its 61,000 employees.  In preparation for the

Until recently, if you wanted to see what SSA was up to in terms of proposing new regulations, you would go to policy information page on the Social Security Administration’s main website.

Under a new policy, all federal agencies’ proposed regulations, and other announcements, will appear on a new website called  One

It won’t come up often, but will certainly help in certain situations.  The general rule is that eligibility for SSI disability payments, and SSI-related Medicaid, for minor children depends on the income and assets of the parents, which are "deemed" to be available to the child.  "Parents" include "step-parents."  But only the income and assets